The success or failure of any manufacturing operation is often commensurate with the level of training provided – both to management and operations staff. Food and Dairy Systems offers mainly back-up training – this often means helping staff understand operation processes, filling the gaps left by other training programmes.
What Is Offered
- Management Training Ensures Management Efficiency
- With plant start-ups, Food and Dairy Systems provides new managers or supervisors with sufficient background knowledge to allow them to manage a plant efficiently with minimum outside help. This means imparting the technical knowledge required to bring an individual up to speed on a process and any potential pitfalls within a short time frame.
- On the Job Training – Shoulder to Shoulder Involvement
- In any workplace environment staff will learn at different rates. However, in the modern dairy industry slow learners tend to cost employers in money or productivity, or both. We run specific and targeted courses to small groups or individuals to assist in the up-skilling of those staff. Food and Dairy Systems can also undertake one-on-one training in the plant to provide intensive training to specific staff members.